Rehabilitation is the process of providing rescued wildlife with the care, treatment, and re-wilding necessary for recovery and eventual release. Our goal is to ensure they are fully prepared for a successful return to their natural habitats.
Rehabilitating rescued wildlife is a complex process that involves everything from de-habituation to relearning essential survival skills and managing the cost of care. At LCTW, we follow a carefully crafted rehabilitation protocol to give each animal the best chance of returning to the wild.
Rehabilitation is often not a linear process. Some species, whose behaviors are more instinct-driven, may adjust relatively quickly. However, others—such as gibbons, langurs, and macaques—often become highly habituated to humans, requiring months or even years of intensive reconditioning before they’re ready for release. Our team observes, evaluates, and adjusts as necessary to give each animal the best chance to return to their natural habitats. For those who cannot return to the wild, rest assured they’ll receive exceptional care here at LCTW, thanks to generous supporters like you!
Power in Numbers
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Animals at LCTW
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