Donate Supplies Today
Many of the items we rely on daily are hard to find or expensive in Laos, so as a non-profit wildlife center, we truly appreciate anything you can provide! You can bring items directly to LCTW if you’re in Laos or coming to volunteer, or you can ship them from overseas—just contact us for the best mailing address.
Large and/or Heavy Items
Boomer balls for enrichment
Tow straps
Animal safe bungee cords
Steel chains
High quality pruning sheers
High quality hand saws
Cordless drill w/backup battery (220v)
Circular saw
Drill bits
Smaller items
Large and medium carabiners
High quality eye bolts
Large durable dog toys (kongs)
Cat mazes
Dried herbs
Essential oils
Camera traps (no glow preferred)
Diet, Health and Novel Foods
Gum arabic powder
Critical care formula (all species)
Weight activated bird feeder
Bird feeders
UV lightbulb
High quality stainless steel food and water bowls (two kinds)
Large on the floor
Hang in crates